Core Values
Christ-Centered Life
Only Jesus can heal, restore, and give everlasting life. (John 14:6) We believe in genuine forgiveness and unconditional grace as it was once given to us on the cross. We are merely broken humans, saved by grace. All that we do, we do for the glory of God. We are all image bearers of God. Each soul is precious in God’s eyes and therefore in our eyes.
Play-based Learning
Jesus said that even adults should be like children which means that it's also important to let children be children which means allowing them plenty of opportunities for play. Children learn to understand the big world around them through play. Providing children with access to a variety of toys and resources along with an environment where they feel safe to explore, discover, and create is very important for the healthy development of a child.
Social-emotional Teaching
God gives us the answer to all world problems in the Bible: love God and love people. We believe the answer to creating a world with less pain is raising empathetic children (children who love God and love people). This is why teaching children to understand and manage their own emotions, empathize with others, and effectively problem solve is an important part of our program.
We are honored to be trusted with the children that God brings into Safehome. We take our work very seriously and serve to the best of our abilities. In addition, we take full responsibility for any resources God entrusts in our care. We value and manage them wisely. All gifted resources are used to serve the children that enter Safehome (1 Peter 4:10).
“It takes a village to raise a child.” There is tremendous power and beauty in unified people working for the same cause (1 Corinthians 12:12-13). Our team is diverse and everyone brings a variety of strengths to the table. We value open communication and honesty with one another. We seek to outdo our teammates in showing honor. (Romans 12:10)
Research-based and Effective Principles
Having the correct motives or meaning to do well doesn’t mean you always will. Sometimes helping can hurt. This is why we believe in applying and exercising effective and proven research as well as scriptural truths in our work with children. “Desire without knowledge is not good... (Proverbs 19:2).” Intention alone is not sufficient, no matter how good., for effective results knowledge and wisdom must be implemented.
There is tremendous power and beauty in unified people working for the same cause (1 Corinthians 12:12-13). We value the partnership we have with the local community and believe that our diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives reflect the Kingdom of God (Revelation 7:9) and make us better-equipped to do his work.